
Trying to knit while being a referee to two boys ages 9 1/2 and 5.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm a bad bad blogger(slaps wrists). I can't believe I haven't posted for so long. I have just been so busy. Between field trips with soccer boy's class, soccer, cubscouts, and Halloween, I'm lucky to even be awake. I have a lot to share but I don't know if I will be able to tell you all at once. I might have to break this up into several posts.

Let's start with the field trip. We went to the JFK Library. It was amazing. I can't believe how well behaved 40 9 and 10 year old were. They were so engrossed in learning everything they could about JFK. I was in awe of their enthusiasm. Some of the things were saw were photos and items given to him on his trip to Ireland. Then there was the section showing the moon rock and other things he received from the space program. I even got to see the actual coconut that saved his life during the war. My favorite room is the very last one. It is all windows on one side and you can see his sailboat and Boston. The room is completely empty except for a few benches. There is a quote from Kennedy on one wall which says.

"All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days. . . nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. ".

If you ever get to Boston, you should definitely go and visit the museum. It is awe inspiring.

Next up is everything having to do with Halloween. Halloween for me lasted about two weeks. Between cub scout parties and just having to listen to the boys asking when Halloween was I had had enough before it even arrived. We had a cubscout party and all the scouts came in costume of course. There were games. My favorite was the doughnut on a string. Actor boy won this game. He was the smallest and youngest player and he beat them all(ha ha ha) I'm so proud. I don't know how he did it because he ended up eating 2 whole doughnuts. We had so many kids that we had to have heats and then the final race. I couldn't believe he had it in him to completely finish both doughnuts. Overall the party was a huge success.

Ok, that's enough for now. My hands are starting to cramp from all the typing. I will leave you with a little knitting though. Here is the beginning of my Mason Dixon Perfect Sweater. I'm so proud of myself for actually turning a hem.


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