
Trying to knit while being a referee to two boys ages 9 1/2 and 5.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Well, It's that time of year again. The Topsfield Fair is coming. This is a tradition in my family since before I was born. We go every year. I think in all my 33 years I've only missed it twice. That was during those teenage years when you are too cool to be seen with your family. Anyway, I just received my entry book. Yes, it's a book about the size of a small novel. I have been entering things in the fair for the last 10 years. I have even placed 1st twice, 2nd twice, and 3rd twice. I usually enter knitted and beaded objects. The first year I entered it was crochet. I had made everyone in my family afghans and my brother let me enter the one I made him. I am still looking for the pictures of them. If I find them I will post some. This year I have a felted purse and a bracelet that I am hoping to have finished by the deadline. I have to have the entry form in by Sept. 8th. The finish piece has to be in on the 27th. I am also debating on whether or not to enter the apple pie contest this year. I make them every year for thanksgiving and everyone says they are yummy.

My boys even get into the fair spirit. Soccer boy has entered the pumpkin decorating contest for the last 4 years. He has place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. He loves doing it. He says he even doesn't care if he doesn't win anything. This year actor boy is old enough to enter one. He is already starting to think of what to make his pumpkin. The rules state that the only one allowed to decorate the pumpkins is the kids. They can not have any help from anyone.

When I get everything finished I will post some pictures.

On other knitting news. I still working on that kimono. I have one side of the front done. I haven't been working on it because I want to get my MasonDixon swapcloth knitting finished. I've finished one but I decided that I wanted to make at least one more. I can't post any pics until I send and out and know my partner has gotten it. After that I will post pics.

O.k. well, I gotta get back to my knitting. Hope everyone is enjoying the end of the summer.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

For the last few days, coffee has been my best friend. I have been so sleep deprived that I really haven't been doing anything. O.k. I have been knitting, but that doesn't take up to much energy. Why haven't I been sleeping you ask. Well, it's along story that I'm still too tired to get into but I will give you the just of it.

It started when we sent out first son to school. The district cut off for the school down the street from us is the house next door. My house is in the corner. You can see where I'm going with this. Needless to say that soccer boy(the oldest) is in the school. Now, 5 years later we are going through the same thing with the younger one, i'll call him actorboy. The problem this time is the woman who makes the list has waited until yesterday to let us know he was in. School starts in 2 weeks! At one point she told us he was ninth on the waiting list and there were only six spots open. Oh, did I forget to tell you we called her the day registration opened? How could he be ninth? There is other factors into why I'm so peeved but I can't explain them because they are kind of sneaky.

So, now that it is over, I can fall asleep earlier than 3 a.m. and not need a gallon of coffee during the day to keep me awake. Today is the first time all week that I woke up rested.

In knitting news, I've finished a ballband for the MasonDixon swapcloth. I can't show it 'til after I send it. I almost have my replacement kimono finished. It is looking better than the first one. I'll pictures of all my stuff once my eyes get used to being open.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Just a little update. I finally got my pictures to post. I added them to my previous post. Check them out.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A little stressed

O.k. I haven't been near the computer in a few days. I've been a little busy and a little depressed. I've been busy knitting a new kimono(yup I said new). When I went to sew up the first one I realized I had one side to long. So, I decided to un-seam and re-knit just that side. As I'm undoing the seam I look at the back and notice something.

How could that happen? I have no idea. It just started falling apart. I had two choices here, try to fix the mess(yeah right!), or just make a new one. So, that's what I've been doing all weekend. I'll have pics of it when I finish it.

The reason I'm depressed. THE RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am a Red Sox fan.(cries of sympathy start). Before Friday I was on cloud nine. After Monday, not so much. I don't know what happened. They were doing great. Then that team from New York who I will not name came to Boston and just MASSACRED us. First Friday, then Saturday, Sunday, and finally Monday. I'm still in disbelief that we can go from 1 1/2 games back to 6 1/2 games back. Is this really happening? My poor Wally is so upset. He just doesn't know what to do. Right now he is just lying on his back staring at the ceiling. Last night I had to keep him away from all sharp objects.

He was so distraught. He threatened to drown himself in the tub during Adam's bath. I had to hold him down. Then, he started toward the bottle.

He just wanted to drown his sorrows in a cold one. Well, I've seen him drunk, it's not pretty. He gets all wild and starts running through the house destroying it. I just didn't have to energy to follow him around clean up after him.

Well, there's my story of my weekend. Both Wally and I are doing much better this morning. I'm hoping the Sox win tonight. If they don't I might just have to tie Wally to something to keep him from going crazy.

'til then, knit on with your bad self.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Do I need to say anything more? The second picture is a bargain that I found at A.C.Moore. They were just sitting in a bin with a bunch of acrylic yarns. I had to hold myself back from just diving in there and swimming around. They are 1lb. and only $5 each. That pink bag, there are 8 balls in there.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

MasonDixon knitting

Here are some more of the MasonDixon knitting. There is the beginning of a miter square blanket for Alex. The next one is a fuzzy picture of my very first baby kimono. Next is a close up of the baby bib that is almost finished. Then we have said baby bib and last is a log cabin baby blanket that is taking forever to finish because I get so bored with garter stitch I have to move to something else for a while.


Here are some of my FO's. The first two are the clapotis from knitty.c0m. The next one is a modified version of the mason dixon bib. The last three are a dishrag and a ballband warshrag from mason dixon.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Imagination baseball

Take one 9yr. old, an old deck of playing cards, and a new deck of baseball cards. What do you get?

A baseball game. Soccer boy decided he wanted to learn all the players positions so he came up with this game. The red cards separate the infield and outfield. He has the player cards in the positions they play. Then he rolls a marble. Where it stops, he determines if it was a hit or an out. He played this game for hours.(yes that is a jacket on him. It's too small but he felt like wearing it).

Onto other things. Here's a picture of his broken finger.

It looks a lot worse than it really is. It definitely is not slowing him down.

On the knitting news. I've hopped on the Mason Dixon Obsession. I've got 2 ballband warshcloths done, 1 baby kimono, and 2 bibs done. I have another kimono and bib OTN and am making the miter square blanket. I'm hoping to have some pic up shortly.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's official. I am becoming addicted to this whole blog thing. I even went out and bought Blogging for Dummies. I haven't actually opened it yet. We've been a bit busy here the last couple of days. My older son I'll call him soccer boy, broke is finger at camp on Thursday. It's not bad, but we did have to do the whole doctor thing. Good thing is, my cousin is their pediatrition. Bad thing, we had to drive past the e.r. to go to her office then back to the e.r. for the x-rays. The plus in this is I only had to pay the co-pay for the office visit not the e.r. which is a lot more money. HIs finger still looks double it's original size but he says it doesn't hurt that much. He's so strong.

So anyway, this blog thing, pretty cool. Broken finger not.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My first post.

O.k here I go again. This is now my 3rd blog. I don't know what happened to the other two. I kinda forgot all my info and can't seem to find them. Not that it matters, I never used them. This one I will.

Anyway this blog is going to be about knitting and raising two boys (the two don't always mix well). I plan on having lots of pictures( if I can figure this whole blog thing out). If anyone has any suggestions for blogging easy please let me know. for now I think this is all I'm gonna get done.